Heyward the Horse- Loves Charleston, Of Course!

Heyward the Horse- Loves Charleston, Of Course!
In this book, we’re introduced to Heyward M. Pinckney IV, a carriage horse in downtown Charleston. Heyward takes visitors on a carriage ride past a variety of Charleston area landmarks and attractions, including Riley Waterfront Park, Rainbow Row, historic churches and the Charleston City Market. With his magical bow tie, Heyward is able to fly his carriage over the Holy City, pointing out the marshes, plantations and the beaches.
About the Book:
Age Range: 2 - 6 years
Board book: 28 illustrated pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1602190224
ISBN-13: 978-1602190221
Product Dimensions: 9” x 11.5” hardcover with sleeve